CfP: Legal Sex, Moral Passion. Legal Discourse, Scientific Fantasies, and Literary Indulgence around 1900 (Event, 12/2019, Tel Aviv); DL: 01.07.2019

Tel Aviv University, Minerva Institute for German history, History school and the Cohn institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Ideas Time: 15.-16.12.2019 Venue: Tel Aviv Proposals by: 01.07.2019 Keynote lecture: Scott Spector, Universty of Michigan The rise of the modern discourse of sexuality, from the end of the second half of the 19th … CfP: Legal Sex, Moral Passion. Legal Discourse, Scientific Fantasies, and Literary Indulgence around 1900 (Event, 12/2019, Tel Aviv); DL: 01.07.2019 weiterlesen